Sunday, August 11, 2013

♥The Mountains in Me♥

The mountains shall bring peace to the people, and the little hills, by righteousness.
Psalms 72:3

The Mountains
In my soul
Keep me joyous....When hard times come

The Mountains
In my mind
Help me breath.....When air is gone

The Mountains
In my song
Sounding sweetly....To my ear

The Mountains
In my life
Keep me strong....When there is fear

The Mountains
In my path
Call to me....And let me know

That Beauty,
Peace, and Harmony
Forever......In Mountains flow.

by theresa Arnold

Yonder Hearts Homepage:

♥Aspens, Pines, and You♥

Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. No one has ever seen God; but
if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us.
I John 4:11-12
{August's Heart 2013}
Cool air.
So cool it makes
Goose bumps appear
On my body. 
So cool.

It invigorates every
Part of my being.

I held your hand
As I walked
Along the morning
Mountain path
Of summer. 
We stopped and listened
To the sound of the wind
Blowing through the Aspen
And Pine trees.

It was a special time
To be held in my heart

Peace, Intimacy
Joy and Love
Were dancing
Among us.

You are my special friend
Bathed in prayer
Cherished with a love
Like no other ever known to me. 

A love that is bewildering
A love that encourages
A love that creates abundant love 

Precious love 

Lavishly given
Graciously received
Joyously replanted
So others can grow. 

Something MORE
Than an Experience…
by theresa arnold

Yonder Hearts Homepage:

♥The United State of America♥

Righteousness exalts a nation....
Proverbs 14:34
{July's Heart 2013}

The United State of America

One Nation*Under God*Indivisible*With Liberty*And Justice*For ALL
(! or ?)

not an original written by theresa arnold
(at least not the top part anyway)

Yonder Hearts Homepage:

♥Tulip Greetings to You♥

Grace and peace be yours in abundance.
I Peter 1:2
{Customer Post}
Tulip Greetings To You

Sunshine and tulips
At dawns early light
I want to say “Thank You”
I hope your day’s bright.

These flowers I’m sending
To bring you a smile
I hope they give joy
To last for a while

If ever you need me
You know I’ll be found
A pleasure to meet you
Yes, I’ll be around.

A field of fresh tulips
For you as a gift
To make your day special
And give you a lift.

by theresa arnold

Yonder Hearts Homepage:

♥Best I Can Do♥

The Lord is a refuge for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble.
Psalms 9:9  
{Customer Post}

I feel your pain
Your needs unending
I'll try to help you out
By sending

One prayer Two prayers
More than a few
But you must help
Yourself out too

Find the strength
Deep in your heart
Life is life
And times get hard

If you find
Your strength is empty
Look to the Lord
He'll give you plenty

We're on the earth
Not very long
And you can rise
Above it all

Until your strength
Empowers you
May God watch over
All you do

And I'll be here
Best I can do
A prayer, a hug
To see you through.
by theresa arnold

♥See You Soon♥

Greet one another with a holy kiss.
II Corinthians 13:12
{Customer Post}
See You Soon

The door’s always open
To welcome you back
Don’t feel like a stranger
Whenever you lack

A handshake, a smile
A story or two
We can’t wait to see you
When you’re gone, we’re blue

With appreciation
And much gratitude
We want to say “Thank You”
With hope, SEE YOU SOON.

by theresa arnold
{A Yonder Hearts poem for Customers}

Yonder Hearts Homepage:

♥Flowers for You♥

"Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ"
Philippians 1:2
{Customer Post}

Flowers for You

A bouquet of flowers
I’m sending to you
Red, pink, and purple
A little green too.

Two words of “Thank You”
To brighten your day
And also a blessing
To help guide your way.

If ever you need
A lift or good cheer
Please look at these flowers
And know I am near.

From my heart to your heart
I would just like to say
I hope that you have
A most excellent day.

by theresa arnold
{a yonder Hearts poem for customers}

Yonder Hearts Homepage:

♥Blooms of Love♥

Flowers appear on the earth, the season of singing has come...
Song of Songs 2:12
{Gallery Post}
Flowers glow beneath a light
Brilliant colors
Fill my sight

Thoughts of you begin to grow
And their petals
Fill my soul

You are a rose, a tulip too
A multicolored
Flowered hue

All you are, my heart does hold
Like these flowers
Love exposed

The pureness of a bright bouquet
Loves golden colors
Never fade

From me to you and you to me
Blooms of love
by theresa Arnold

Yonder Hearts Homepage:

♥Daddy, I Love You♥

I will be a Father to you and you will be my sons and daughters says the Lord Almighty.
II Cor. 6:18
{2013 June's Heart}

Daddy, I love you
When you hold me tight

When you make me laugh
And kiss me good night.

I watch you each day
As you use your hands

I want to be like you
When I am a man.

When I have a son
And a father I’ll be

I’ll love him with your love
That you gave to me.

Your Son

by theresa Arnold

Yonder Hearts Homepage:

♥If I Had a Dinner Party♥

But when you give a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind
and you will be blessed.
Luke 14:13-14a
{2013 May's Heart}

A dinner party is to be held

The world has been invited
Alas these seven only came
But I was still EXCITED!!

by theresa Arnold
Yonder Hearts Homepage:

Thursday, August 8, 2013

♥Johnson Branch♥

"Test everything. Hold on to the good."
I Thess. 5:21


Life is simple on Johnson Branch
All is good not a care in sight
Pull up a chair and sit right down
Take it easy everything’s all right

Playin music till the sun don’t shine
Three part harmony sure sounds fine
Offbeat rhythm from the clappin hands
Feet are tappin everything is grand.


Life is simple on Johnson Branch
Everybody there knows your name
Complications won’t hold you down
Worried trouble will fade away

Broke a string on my old guitar
Keep on playing when my hand is tired
Folks will know the next song I bet
Too much fun to end the night just yet


Life is simple on Johnson Branch
Only singers and pickers remain
Moon is shinin everyone’s gone home
One more song and then we play again

Hoot owl howling in the trees above
Frogs are croakin in the nearby pond
Bugs are bitin but we don’t care
Old time songs fill the cool night air


by theresa arnold
*there is a song to this as well on my Youtube site:

Yonder Hearts Homepage:


Many waters cannot quench love; rivers cannot wash it away....
Song of Songs 8:7a
{2013 April's Heart}

I will sit with you
As our children play

I will stand with you
Through the coming days

I will work with you
Till our job is done

Every morning light
Every setting sun

I will lay with you
As we two become one

I would die for you
Because it is you that I love.

by theresa Arnold 

Yonder Hearts Homepage:

♥When Times Were Hard♥

I have told you these things, so in me you may have peace, in this world
you will have trouble. But take heart, I have overcome the world.
John 16:33
{March's  Heart 2013}

“Times are hard when you ain't got money”
 Grandma and Grandpa told me so
 They went to town only 12 times a year
Put their faith in what the garden would grow
 Grandpa made an extra dollar
Selling moonshine from his still

 That's the way it was
When times were hard

 Sun came up early in the morning
 Everyone rise and shine
 All the kids in the field working hard
 No such thing as 9 to 5
 Grandma bless her soul she worked so hard
 Making sure her family's fed

That's the way it was
 When times were hard

Found out many years later
A story my daddy's brother used to say
 Sunday church and an outhouse in the back
Grandma lost her religion that day
 She found Grandpa with another woman
Pitchin’ woo while the preacher prayed

 That's the way it was
 When times were hard

Husband and wife back in the 40's
 Youngest baby only 2
Grandma never left my Grandpa's side
There wasn't much that she could do
 You better believe she had to set him straight
 She never caught him out again

That's the way it was
When times were hard!!!

by theresa Arnold

Yonder Hearts Homepage:

♥The Liberty Gals♥

...where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is Freedom.
II Corinthians 3:17b
Gallery Post

Two raven beauties
An eagle in flight
The sun in the background
Going down for the night

A flag showing glory
A cowboy hat
The freedom of living
Is shown in these tats!!

by theresa arnold


There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear……
I John 4:18a
 {February's Heart 2013}

I was five
Hollyhocks scared me

I was five
Sunflowers scared me

I was twenty five
Hollyhocks still scared me
Five year old daughters did not

I was twenty five
Sunflowers still scared me
My five year old daughter did not

Five year old Daughter:
I am five
My mom and grandmother
Scare me
Because they are scared of
Silly flowers.

by theresa arnold

Tuesday, August 6, 2013


He is like the light of morning at sunrise on a cloudless morning, like the brightness
after rain that brings the grass from the earth.
II Samuel 23:4
{Gallery Post}
                                                The silent morning sunrise
Displays a symphony of colors
Composed by the hand of a Master 
Only designated souls
Are chosen
To view this melodious vision 
Here in a moment
Breathless beauty to Behold… 
by theresa Arnold