Thursday, August 8, 2013

♥When Times Were Hard♥

I have told you these things, so in me you may have peace, in this world
you will have trouble. But take heart, I have overcome the world.
John 16:33
{March's  Heart 2013}

“Times are hard when you ain't got money”
 Grandma and Grandpa told me so
 They went to town only 12 times a year
Put their faith in what the garden would grow
 Grandpa made an extra dollar
Selling moonshine from his still

 That's the way it was
When times were hard

 Sun came up early in the morning
 Everyone rise and shine
 All the kids in the field working hard
 No such thing as 9 to 5
 Grandma bless her soul she worked so hard
 Making sure her family's fed

That's the way it was
 When times were hard

Found out many years later
A story my daddy's brother used to say
 Sunday church and an outhouse in the back
Grandma lost her religion that day
 She found Grandpa with another woman
Pitchin’ woo while the preacher prayed

 That's the way it was
 When times were hard

Husband and wife back in the 40's
 Youngest baby only 2
Grandma never left my Grandpa's side
There wasn't much that she could do
 You better believe she had to set him straight
 She never caught him out again

That's the way it was
When times were hard!!!

by theresa Arnold

Yonder Hearts Homepage:

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